V-Day Annual Report 2023 | Page 24


As people trickled in , they enjoyed drinks and bites , took photos in our 360 photo booth , laughing and dancing at the experience . They got their hair braided and adorned and paid their respects at the altar , scents of frankincense and myrrh embracing them as they did . We had an interactive gallery experience curated by Anabelle Obiri of Trybe , featuring Ghanaian women artists , and inviting guests to participate by responding to guided prompts .
Poetra Asantewa of Black Girls Glow graced the stage , introducing us to her story and how she first got connected to VOICES . Lalanana ’ s performance followed , inviting us to breathe , ground and settle into our bodies . We settled into ourselves and into presence , as V-day board member Rosario Dawson and Abrima Erwiah of Studio 189 and V ( formerly Eve Ensler ) addressed the audience , tracing the lineage from V-Day to VOICES and introducing our Artistic Creative Director aja monet to the stage . aja then invited the audience to take a collective deep breath , put their eye masks on , turn on their headphones , and listen to the audioplay we spent years working on .