V-Day Annual Report 2018 | Page 65

OBR used in campaigns, to help elect OBR supported women in legislative and decision making positions More intergenerational and multi-sectoral engagement than past years/ diversity of groups (youth/ artists/ workers/ church/ indigenous/ LGBTQI/ elderly/ PWD/ men and boys/ business sector/ middle class/ grassroots/ politicians/ journalists/ migrants/ environmentalists/ social justice activists. This year OBR campaigns also brought together people across race, age and gender More involvement of local governments at a local level, and of politicians – OBR is becoming a bridge between local governments and communities More involvement of other social justice movements (human rights/ environment/ economic policies/ war/ racial justice More groups wanting to partner and align with OBR - recognition of OBR as a national / international force – OBR being felt within whole nations OBR utilized for alliance and movement building/ used as an umbrella – solidarity factor – to bring all groups together over a wider Involvement of more schools/ escalation of Youth Risings everywhere – and in many countries, the youth Risers are already leading the movement Vibrancy of OBR campaign has organically created networks of Risers nationally OBR grew on ground and organizational level, while continuing to grow on the national and political level Every year, scope of activities, actions and events increases – taking place throughout the year (not just on February 14th or March 8th) – OBR used to sustain attention on issues National and Global Solidarity: OBR campaigns result in broader alliances – and helps informs and educates communities outside of each country on local issues and situations Shifting consciousness among men and boys and on equality Example of note: Bangladesh: Because of OBR girls cycling campaign, society is now accepting the idea of daughters riding bicycles (which was a social taboo) – OBR helped shape new positive perspective on girls/ now boys are teaching girls how to ride Because of OBR campaign on girls playing football for the first time – many schools started their own girls football teams, Women occupying public spaces more and more, where traditionally, in some cultures, women are not allowed to march or dance in the streets OBR as leadership: local governments, educational institutions and civil society groups reaching out to OBR organizers and coordinators for advice on their respective campaigns – and seeking solidarity and lending the OBR “voice, time and talent” to their respective movements.