UZIEL Fighting System: Police & Military CQC/H2H FEBRUARY 2014 | Page 45
GallantFew, Inc’s (501(c)3 Non-Profit) mission is to reduce US Army Ranger veteran unemployment, homelessness and eliminate Ranger veteran
suicide by a unique program of one-on-one mentoring by a Ranger veteran, now successful in civilian business, with a Ranger veteran just departed
active duty. This effort is called the Darby Project (in honor of WWII’s Darby’s Rangers). Our dream is to one day be able to assist every honorably
discharged veteran from every branch of the service.
GallantFew, Inc., meets these veterans during the process of departing from the military. GallantFew, Inc. coaches them through the transition
process, assess their skills, desires and abilities, offer training as necessary, network them professionally and socially back into the community, and
will be a source of physical, social, professional and emotional support. Initially we will accomplish this all through volunteers. Ultimately, this
program will be funded, staffed, and scaled up to include every veteran of every branch of the military.
The team that supported, loved, disciplined and cared for each other is suddenly separated.
Discharge, severance, separation – all terms used to describe departing the military. These unpleasant terms set a negative tone for the exp erience
many of our new veterans enter as they return to being civilians. This doesn′t have to happen. Our unique approach pairs a new veteran with an
experienced veteran mentor at point of discharge and at the new veteran′s home city. Our mentors provide tips to translate one′s military experience
into high-impact civilian resumes, interview techniques, veteran business ownership opportunities and veterans benefits. How do you go from
“support and defend the Constitution of the United States” to “do you want fries with that”? You continue to find and develop your sense of purpose
and value – that is GallantFew′s bottom line. GallantFew, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit. We focus on Social Networking, Professional Development,
Emotional Support and Physical Assistance to veterans; and Education & Referrals for corporations. There is no fee to any veteran for our services.
Social Networking: We combine personal relationships with web 2.0 to quickly make connections that lead to bolder programs. Already 1,000+
Professional Networking: The modern job search requires a strong professional referral network. We train veterans how to network and shape their
future careers.
Emotional Support: Veterans trust veterans. Our network forms the foundation of an emotional support web.
Physical Assistance: We provide or coordinate assistance to our physically disabled veterans.
UZIEL Fighting Systems 2014