UZIEL Fighting System: Police & Military CQC/H2H FEBRUARY 2014 | Page 38
Seated hostage position. High risk technique that requires many repetitons to ensure a conscious and
unconscious competence response (see the teachings of A.Maslow).
When the pistol is at the 12 o’clock position it offers angled movements as a defense from either direction
as both variants are correct. In the above example I am moving to the inside of the arm from the startled
flinch and over-hooking the Attacker’s R arm with my L at the same time as pushing down on his R
shoulder using my R hand. The face or jaw could be substituted but I am using the shoulder for safety
during training. Picture 4 shows that instead of pushing the Attacker away from me I using a very small
circle to turn him sharply with my hips and his shoulder, placing him just ahead of my feet.
You must use an explosive movement when pushing off your chair into the Attackers arm to catch him
unaware and unable to counter your CQC. The over-hook must be held through the duration of the
movement culminating in an arm-bar in picture 5.
The over-hook can injury your partner if kept too tight above the elbow as you practice your takedowns.
This is a surprisingly hard takedown so mats must be used to avoid hitting the back of your head on a
hard surface causing a concus