UZIEL Fighting System: Police & Military CQC/H2H FEBRUARY 2014 | Page 32
Police and Military /Scenario:
This position occurs while the Officer is seated with the field of fire being in close proximity at the side of
the head.
Driving into the Attacker’s weapon arm to change the pistols arch of fire is intertwined with the speed of
movement from a static position (seated). In pictures 3 & 4 you will see that I am using my R arm to trap
the Attackers R arm from under his R shoulder. Picture 4, has the position being secured with a gable grip
and I am also increasing the pressure by pushing my shoulder into the lock. This traps both the opponents
head & arm which is why it is commonly referred to as a “head & arm throw.” Picture 5, shows that the
takedown can be accomplished purely as a hip movement (provides more stability to the Officer) or
alternatively using a leg sweep. In picture 7, the weapon arm is pinned to the floor (although there is no
weapon present in this frame) exposing the side of the Attacker’s jaw to a hammer-fist style strike.
The direction of the muzzle is the primary concern as it represents the only threat source. If the Attacker
has his finger on the pistols trigger he will try and discharge the weapon syste