UZIEL Fighting System: Police & Military CQC/H2H FEBRUARY 2014 | Page 28

27 Police and Military/Scenario: An Attacker has secured you in a seated position from behind with a knife wedged to the front of your throat. Breakdown: This was created from a student’s “what if” question during one of our courses and it is a realistic scenario. Notice in picture 2 that I am using my legs to drive up on a 45 deg angle at the same time that I am turning inward while trapping the blade by pulling straight down on the Attacker’s R wrist. There are three things happening at once and you must comprehend this vital point. In pictures 3 & 4,I am turning inward until the opponent’s shoulder is locked and immediately snapping my hips (picture 5) throwing him in a tight circle at my feet. DO NOT create distance when using a throw as it mitigates the force of the impact. Keep the Attacker tight to your body and throw him around the circumference of a SMALL circle to ensure compliance and control. Details: The moment that the knife is pressed into your throat is the exact point in time that you MUST act or fear will overtake you. Notice in picture 1, that my partner is using his support hand to secure me which would occur in reality as he is trying to control me using both of his arms. This support hand is meaningless and has nothing to do with your ability to trap the weapon side wrist and EXPLODE off the chair. Safety: The only safety issue when learning this tactic is the moment of the actual throw. Prior ‘break fall” drills are in order. It still surprises me the number of students who are not familiar with incorporating break falls into their CQC routine. Because your will post on your support hand as you hit the ground there is a good chance of breaking your wrist if you do not know how to land correctly. UZIEL Fighting Systems 2014