UZIEL Fighting System: Police & Military CQC/H2H FEBRUARY 2014 | Page 2

1 Welcome to our first issue of 2014. There will be quarterly releases this year as well as special editions that will be free of charge to our current subscribers. Special releases in development are: I. II. Military edged weapon CQC which will focus on unexpected “green on blue” scenarios that are still impacting our Military personnel. Advanced edged weapon defense for LEOs “Volume-2” that picks up where volume 1 left off addressing the problems of the reactionary gap (lack of), elevated heart rates which impact cognitive reasoning under extreme stress and gross vs. complex and fine motor skills. The article I have written this month is an overview on IEDs in Iraq with a very compressed timeline focusing on the years 2003 up to the present day. Post Saddam groups made up of ex Ba’athist Party members, AQI, ISIL and Sunni majority supporters are the root of attacks against not only Coalition Forces, but the sectarian violence (SVIEDs) undermining Iraq’s stability and reconstruction projects. Guest contributor Karl Monger has written a powerful part -2 in his continuing look at “Law Enforcement and Veteran’s in Crisis” articles which explores the benefits of using LEOs who have had previous Military experience to empathize and thereby assist a Veteran that may be suffering from PTSDs resulting in the de-escalation of an incident. Mr. Mongers extensive Military experience and passion for our War-Fighters has become an integral part of UZIEL CQC /H2H Magazine and we are honored to have his continuing involvement. We have added many techniques in the February edition that run the gamut from counters to disarm attempts to hostage scenarios focusing on the use of edged weapons and pistols. All the tactics are high risk and fraught with difficulties but that is why… we are covering them. Playing it safe and showing you videos of traditional approaches to common defensive tactics issues is not what we are all about. Some of the lesson plans in this issue deal with being in a seated and static position that offers reality based solutions to situations that could occur. If there are topics that you would like to see addressed that are of concern to you, please just send me an email ([email protected]). We are here to help you. Be safe Guys and God Bless, Odhinn Kohout/UZIEL UZIEL Fighting Systems 2014