UZIEL Fighting System: Police & Military CQC/H2H FEBRUARY 2014 | Page 18
Our perspective on training is that the modern Crime/WarFighter needs to be well rounded and equipped
to deal with sudden violent acts against them. Your environment can be the confined quarters of an
aircraft, or a cramped apartment which makes it difficult to create a reactionary gap.
You should have ONE program that will work irrespective of your profession in the Military or law
enforcement fields.
Transitioning from Carbine, Pistol, Edged Weapons and unarmed combat is what our system is based on.
Should you be engaged while holding a firearm from close quarters you will find the tactics we teach in
our programs are seamlessly integrated together and interchangeable.
Both criminals and Terrorists have become better trained and are increasingly more aggressive. “Green
on Blue” attacks have spiked overseas. In line of duty service deaths continue to rise and lack of training
has been identified as one of the root causes contributing to these deaths. For our Military agencies, the
“Arab Spring” has brought instability to many countries and has seen the rise of right wing Islamic
groups ,many of whom are affiliated with Al-Qaeda terrorist cells.
The following scenarios are not easy…
We have focused on very specific “worst case” scenarios as this is an aspect which is essential to include in
your training. If all of your current defensive tactics involves every day job functions I.E. arrest control,
handcuffing etc. then ask yourself how will you react when you are violently ripped from your “comfort
zone” and placed in a critical incident that you thought “would never happen to you…”
Unexpected acts of extreme violence do happen to good people so train for combat and remain vigilant
even in the most mundane settings because the moment you let your guard down and become complacent
you have opened a window of opportunity for an Attacker to take full advantage of.
UZIEL Fighting Systems 2014