UTOPIA: lol~ That must have been quite a
journey for you from being where you were
and now emerging to a Pop/KPop idol that
you are now. Did try out different styles before sticking to Pop/K-Pop?
Kumiko: Thank you very much, Thank you
to everyone who has supported me on this
journey <3 And Stay tuned for the 3rd Studio Album, Chanel No. 5
Kumiko: :P
Kumiko: Well at first i came to Bosqueen
wanting to do a mariah carey feel, but you
UTOPIA: Very excited to hear, can’t wait
know everyone does that. So I began to
for it to come out. Now before we close this
explain my cultural roots thus the idea of
interview, do you have any advice for anyone
K-pop. Although I did attempt to try differwho wishes to try out the industry?
ent like sounds as time went on with the pop
and k-pop.
Kumiko: Always ask questions~ There’s
always someone somewhere who’s willing to
UTOPIA: And it fits your style well, I can
help guide you!
say that I’m a big fan of your music. Now,
when it comes to the Music Industry, was
UTOPIA: Excellent advice, always somethere or is there anything that you like or
thing to go by~ Thank you again Kumiko for
dislike about the surroundings? Seeing that
having this interview with us.
the Industry can be a bit drama-driven.
Kumiko: Well, I can honestly say No. The
industry that i’ve come into was always
friendly and supportive, Love it. However As
I began to branch out more especially seeing the twitter industry, not that side of the
industry I can say is a bit too melodramatic
for my taste. I’ll stick to my roots ya know?
Kumiko: And Thank you so much, Frankie
it means alot coming from a legend <3
UTOPIA: Lol~ It’s all honest. And it’s quite
understandable, we all try our best to stay
away from the drama, too much headache.
However I do wish you the best of luck in
this industry and that you thrive forward in
your career.