Utopia Holistic Health and Holidays July 2017 | Page 15
There was no such thing as wheat farms and thus cereal,
pasta or even bread did not exist. In saying this, there were
far less cases of chronic disease and health issues. Overall,
individuals had greater health and wellbeing before the
cultivation of gluten-containing products.
Nowadays, there is an abundance of people who suffer
from gluten intolerance. The most well known disorder in
relation to gluten sensitivity is Celiac Disease. In diagnosed
individuals, the intestinal lining of the gut wall becomes
inflamed upon ingestion of gluten-containing foods. The
immune system reacts by registering gluten as a foreign
product. This initiates the bodies natural inflammatory
response resulting in symptoms of abdominal cramping,
diarrhea, gas and bloating.
Furthermore, long term consumption of gluten in these
individuals causes damage to the digestive tract and poor
nutrition. If left untreated, weight loss and malabsorption of
other nutrient rich foods will be a consequence. Although 1
in 70 Australians suffer from Celiac disease, this is just one
of the many forms of gluten-intolerance. Almost 80% of the
population experience some form of gluten sensitivity
resulting in many of the symptoms relevant to gluten
More and more people are complaining of abdominal
discomfort and bowel related issues. In order to identify the
specific form of gluten intolerance in an individual, a series
So what exactly is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in many of of tests and sometimes years of assessment must be
the foods we eat containing wheat, rye and barley. As it enters overcome
our gastrointestinal system, it needs to be broken down and
metabolised. During this process, a number of problems can .Early diagnosis and detection of symptoms is the best way
arise - some which you might feel and some you may never to avoid the negative effects of gluten. As there is a long list
know about. As we have not yet evolved to tolerate gluten, it is of gluten associated health conditions, it would be wise to
fast becoming the number one factor for many health related cut down or exclude the protein from the diet, entirely. If
concerns. you are one of the many who have ever experienced
bloating, headaches, abdominal cramping or diarrhoea
Over the past few years, people have recognised the after eating your sandwich for lunch or pasta for dinner,
importance of a gluten-free diet. You might be wondering why then the solution might be to simply start a gluten-free diet.
these foods are suddenly a threat to your health. To put things After all, even if you don’t experience these symptoms now,
into perspective, wheat and grains have only been introduced you can look forward to sustained health and wellbeing for
to our diets in the last 10 000 years. Humans have been many years to come. If you have concerns gluten may be
around for millions of years, so long before farmers were affecting your health it is important to be diagnosed
around, gluten-containing foods did not exist. . correctly from your medical practioner.