Utopia Holistic Health and Holidays July 2017 | Page 13

"OUR BRAINS ARE VERY SENSITIVE AND REQUIRE CERTAIN IMPORTANT CONDITIONS TO FUNCTION EFFICIENTLY" These symptoms can result from lack of sleep, stress, inflammation, fluctuating blood sugar levels, alcohol, and lack of availability of certain vitamins and proteins. Our brain is one of the most metabolically active tissues in the body and need lots of energy. There are many things we can do to help provide the ideal conditions for our brain so that it can perform more efficiently. As with all high performing engines they need the best and cleanest fuel. Our brains need protein and a stable blood sugar level. Sugar and refined carbohydrates cause energy fluctuations and although initially make us feel energised can cause a drop our blood sugar levels and hence our energy 2 hours later leaving us feeling mentally in a slump so a good quality breakfast combining complex carbohydrates and protein will provide a constant source of morning energy to get us through until lunch. An easily diges ted and absorbed protein powder is a good clean option. Even better if it is fermented and provides the benefits of extra healthy bacteria. A deficiency in omega 3 fatty acids can cause inflammation and reduces the function of the receptors that respond to our happy and brain focussing neurotransmitters; serotonin and dopamine. Sleep is also crucial and hence its deprivation is a very powerful torture technique. (Just ask any parent of a new baby). Adults need at least 7 hours a night to function optimally. Other factors that can cause brain fog are hormonal imbalances. Thyroid and adrenal hormones control physical and mental energy levels, disruptions of these can cause fluctuations in mood and reduce the ability to concentrate. It is worth having these levels checked with a blood test to ensure they aren’t contributing to the problem. Life is stressful for most of us now and having a brain that is not functioning well just makes things harder. By adopting a few simple lifestyle strategies; good nutrition, getting enough sleep, addressing stress, balancing any hormonal problems, taking probiotics and keeping food intolerances well managed we can enjoy better mental wellbeing.