The Utimec MF 205 PER SD is part of Normet ’ s expanding battery-electric SmartDrive range
The machine is fitted with 200 kW of power output , a 90-kWh battery and is designed for up to three people in the operator ’ s cabin and up to 20 passengers .
It also has fully reversible four-wheel drive , with high traction capability and instant torque , ensuring safe and steady movement in difficult ground conditions , according to the company . The new FOPS- and ROPS-approved safety cabin provides superior visibility and a comfortable compartment for the driver and the passenger .
The battery charge is sufficient for the fully-loaded passenger carrier to drive uphill for 10 km , according to the company , with the equipment charged at CCS charging stations , with 40 minutes required to fully charge the battery . The vehicle is also fitted out with 40 kW on-board opportunity charging systems .
One of these Utimec MF 205 PER SDs is already working at Nornickel ’ s Zapolyarny Mine ( Medvezhy Ruchey LLC , part of Nornickel Group ) in Russia , as part of a six-month trial that also involves a Normet Utimec MF 500 SD transmixer .




Calling a cab
It is battery-electric machines that Miller Technology is fast becoming recognised for , but “ it is still our tough and reliable diesel Land Cruiser modifications keeping the lights on ”, Dean Robinson , Director & Vice President , Sales , told IM .
Miller is a franchised factory Toyota dealer , with Toyota referring to it as a Toyota Underground Dealer , according to Robinson .
“ This means we have factory-access to the Land Cruiser but not the other ‘ high street ’ ranges , such as the Camry , Corolla , etc ,” he said .
This status with Toyota ensures the company always has stock – a rarity nowadays , according to Robinson .
“ We have a monthly production allocation , which we forecast six months in advance and firm up three months in advance on a continuously rolling basis ,” Robinson explained . “ Therefore , we always have inventory on the ground , consignments on the water and inventory rolling off the production line .”
Historically Miller has had access only to the single cab Land Cruiser model , but , from this month , it will have factory access to the double cab , sometimes referred to as the quad cab or dual cab . As a result , Miller has been designing its range of modifications to also be available on the double cab platform .
Robinson said the company is finding an industry demand ratio of around two single cabs to one double cab for the underground mines , making this
new-found access “ an appreciable business opportunity ”. He concluded : “ We will be investing in increasing our production capacity over the next couple of months to address the increased demand .”

Utility vehicles for all your mining needs .

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