Util-Locate, Inc. San Diego Util-Locate, Inc. | Page 3

The incredible geography, coupled with the mild climate, could be part of the reason that the population rose 10% between the years of 200 and 2010.Population growth is a very big part of economic growth, and so it is welcomed by most. It can, however, present some major problems. One of the problems with any sort of development is that you run the risk of hitting underground pipes or cables. A San Diego utility locating service can help avoid any dangerous or costly mistakes. If you are planning any type of development or excavation, whether it is commercial or residential, it is important to let one of the San Diego utility locators help you with the details. You can call the Utility companies but it may take days to get results, causing unwanted delays in your work. Call Us Toll-Free: +1 (866) 421-5325 UTIL-LOCATE, INC. SAN DIEGO