1. If you have one backup
light, it’s clipped to the
right chest d-ring. If you
have two lights, the
second is clipped to the
left chest d-ring. Band the
lights to the harness with
o-rings, bungee, or bicycle
inner tube sections.
3. Turn the bolt snap so the
gate is facing in. This way,
when you unclip your
regulator, you will not
mix up the bolt snaps.
2. A secondary benefit to
clipping the light to the
right chest d-ring is that
it holds the d-ring down,
making it easier to clip
and unclip your regulator.
4. If you need to use your
backup light due to a
primary light failure, be
sure to turn it on BEFORE
you unclip it, so if you drop
it you can find it. It’s often
best to leave it clipped off
when in actual use.