UTD Journal Volume 3 Issue 4, April 2015 | Page 15

also beneficial for weight loss. Aerobic exercise is any activity that creates and utilizes greater oxygen demand by moving primarily the large muscles of the body repeatedly and rhythmically at a particular intensity beyond the usual activity of rest or relaxation. The best results are achieved when aerobic exercise is performed consistently as part of a healthy lifestyle. Examples of aerobic exercise are walking, jogging, running, swimming, rowing, cycling, jumping rope, aerobics classes, and dancing. Aerobic exercise may be performed outdoors almost anywhere. Fitness centers and home gyms provide equipment such as treadmills, stair climbers, ellipiticals and exercise bikes. Aerobic exercise can be as simple as going for a walk. Begin gradually in both time and frequency. To get started, select an activity or a combination of activities and make a commitment to participate a of two to four times a week for 20 to 60 minutes the first two weeks. Work up to three, four, five or more days per week depending on recovery, goals and the duration of the workouts. Additional exercise in the form of resistance training is recommended for a balanced exercise program. To aid in weight loss, perform aerobic exercise for 20 to 40 minutes immediately following 20 to 40 minutes of resistance training. Healthy Body Weight Maintaining a healthy body weight is primary in reducing the risks and complications associated with poor health and scuba diving. For many, being fit includes some aspect of weight loss. Whether its five pounds or 70 pounds, divers can lose weight permanently with a healthy and positive lifestyle modification approach. Weight loss done well always includes a balanced program of aerobic exercise, resistance training and just the right amount and type of nutrition. For more information about healthy diving, contact Gretchen at www.scubafit.com TM