UTD Journal Volume 3 Issue 3, March 2015 | Page 16

Our Precious Water… An LA Waterkeeper Blog We all know, or should know, that California is in a serious drought. But do you really think on a daily basis about conserving the water that so easily flows from our faucets every time we need it? After all, it is hard to reconcile the idea of water scarcity, and modify our habits, while enjoying uninterrupted and convenient access to water. Yes, we have heard, read and seen the stories about children and women in Africa having to walk miles each day just to fetch water for their family’s cooking, washing and other everyday needs. Now do you imagine they waste even a drop of that water they worked so hard to get? We would not either if we were in their place. But wait, we are in their place because a huge portion of our water has to travel at least 2 days before it reaches our kitchens and bathrooms. Just a few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to travel along the Colorado Aqueduct in a trip organized by the Metropolitan