UTD Journal Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2014 | Page 11

started to put everything together. Your explanations and the exercises started to produce it´s results under water. UTD´s philosophy, the hogarthian configuration and the skills started to flow through our veins. We actually started to become proud of the way we were starting to look under water. If I had to resume all this weekend in a few words I would say the following: Change in mentality, change in behavior, impressive results. Jorge Ignacio Guerra Sardino UTD Diver - The rest of my certifications do not matter. I did the ESM course this weekend and I have to say that I do not recommend it if: - you are of those who think doing things half ass is the proper way - you think you already know everything because you have hundreds of dives - you are a novice and you think that time will teach you. - you are not humble enough for others to teach you a better way of doing things. - you don´t accept that what you knew until now might have been wrong - you think that by paying and showing up it is enough to pass. - you are not ready to give everything in each of the exercises. - you think you own the absolute truth.