UTD Journal Volume 1, Issue 10, December 2013 | Page 5

maximize my teachings’ quality. It goes way beyond the theory and taps into concrete practical applications such as proper instructor positioning, video debrief, etc. • Supporting documents: be it the instructor playbook, or even the student and diver procedure manual, today I have in my arsenal those tools to provide the best teaching experience for my students. I am completely independent and have an extensive blueprint of all the courses I can teach on my ipad (or book or pc) wherever and whenever I need them. • Big agency, small family: my favorite part of the experience. Although UTD is a growing agency worldwide, when I passed my IDC it felt just like a small family. I have direct contact with HQ and the founders, their response time to ANY of my queries is record-breaking, and most importantly they are extremely flexible, understanding and supportive. This aspect is priceless to an instructor. • The result: it is only when you deliver your first UTD class that you will truly realize, and appreciate, the value of the training you’ve received during your IDC. To be completely honest, I never had such high client satisfaction before. Most importantly, it was the first time I felt such a sense of fulfillment - I witnessed, first hand, the impact on students and the evolution of their diving experience. Choosing UTD is one of the best decisions I have made in my diving career and I would blindly recommend it to any instructor looking to make ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????()??????????????UQ?%???????-??? ??????((0