USTHB English Speakers Magazine USTHB English Speakers Magazine 1st Edition | Page 37

Granpa .. By Mary Rose Kadi, I t’s funny how we can love someone that we’ve never met nor knew My grandfather is a martyr, I never knew him, I don’t even have a picture of him, but yet I love him so much and consider him my role model. My grandmother told us the story about how he died; she said that he was with a group of combatants “moudjahidin” ,they were hiding in the moun- tains when someone alerted them that the French army is coming. When the combatants were moving, one of them got stuck so he couldn’t advance, My grandfather stopped and helped him, My grandfather got shot by the French army and the other man survived Hearing this story and knowing that my grandpa died to save another man’s life made me feel proud, proud of him and proud to be his granddaughter. Dear grandpa, I’m writing this to you, even though I don’t know you, I want you to know that I love you so much and that I am so proud of you. Even though you don’t know me, you don’t know that you have a grand- daughter who keeps thinking about you, wishing if she could just see you once, I want to tell you that you have taught me so much.. You taught me how I should help others and not to be selfish. Dear grandpa, thank you, may your soul rest in peace.. 36