USTHB English Speakers Magazine USTHB English Speakers Magazine 1st Edition | Page 18

INTERVIEWwith a student

Interviewed by : Mimoune MESSADIA

Well first of all we ’ d like to introduce you to our readers .. What can you say about Katia ? I ’ m Katia , 20 years old , a second year Automatic student in USTHB of course . I would say I ’ m an active girl who has a lot of ambitious dreams let ’ s just keep it that way . Great ! Now that we have an idea about you .. WET , what is it exactly ?? It stands for “ Water Ecological Treatment ”, and it is an INJAZ junior company created by a group of students from the university of Science and Technology Houari BOUMEDIENNE which protects natural resources by providing a simple and modern solution to recycle and save these resources , This process involves recycling water from the sink to filter it and reuse it at sanitary levels ( flushing ) to protect drinkable water on one side , exploit the wasted water and reduce the cost of bills ( Ecological and economic impact ).

Very impressive ! Now we ’ re all wondering about the beginning , the first moments of the newborn WET .. how was it for you and for the rest of the crew ? The members of WET team are students of our university ( USTHB ) from different majors , levels and specialties , each of them has capacities and gifts that can integrate to each other , achieving success by sharing everything one has as one hand and I guess that ’ s how we managed to be a team and the little WET was born just like that in a friendly lovely atmosphere . We ’ ve also witnessed your presence in the entrepreneurship summer school last summer , tell us about that experience and its contribution to you as a person as well as to WET as a starting up company .. I got to say it was a beautiful adventure , we were among the winners of “ 24 hours challenge ” and the lesson that we were lucky to learn was more valuable than the success itself