USTHB English Speakers Magazine USTHB English Speakers Magazine 1st Edition | Page 13
the USA. I would like to see Algerian
students learn from some of the best
faculty in their fields, get exposed
to a different way of learning, and
contribute new discoveries.
reality is that scholarship implies
funds, which are typically supported
by the philanthropic engagement of
businesses and people who can and
wish to do this. I can assure you that
should anyone wish to create such a
scholarship, I will more than happy to
9-What you like to do when you aren’t
working on researches?
I like to learn about life stories, new
ideas, new cultures, and new ways
of doing things. I read and travel. I
walk in the woods. I have enjoyed
going to yoga classes but my time is
so limited that I have missed many
classes recently. When possible, I play
soccer for fun. This sport teaches us a
lot about supporting each other and
working towards the same goal. Let
me add something about l’USTHB. I
have wonderful memories of playing
with my friends and fellow students
while at the USTHB. We played on
hard surfaces filed with small pebbles
so falling was not an option.I have
wonderful memories of those games.
10-Do you have any advice for young
students who are thirsty for science,
a piece of advice that can change
their lives?
I hope that my journey is a reminder
that despite the challenges that
we may face, always aiming for
excellence is rewarding by itself.
History shows that no matter how
small or big a problem is, we humans
have the ability to come up with
viable, innovative solutions provided
we remain honest in our approach.
We cannot control the environment
around us but we can affect it
The internet is the modern Swiss knife!
It can be used for many purposes,
good and bad. With the flood of
data and information and the ease of
connecting with others, we can build
and maintain relationships including
scientific ones. I hope that students
at the USTHB learn to take advantage
of what the internet offers. You can
learn and explore the unknown with
people from different fields. I also
think that it is important to note that
we are seeing a convergence of the
sciences. Therefore to the depth
of knowledge that one receives
at a university, USTHB or anywhere
else, one ought to consider adding
breadth. Major discoveries are to be
made by exploring problems that lay
at junctions between the disciplines.
This is not easy to do because it
requires leaving one’s comfort zone
and at times challenging what we
firmly believe to be correct.
Dare to have a passion, to believe
in yourself, to dream big, to learn,
to ask well-formulated questions, to
be creative and to serve. Write your
own story.