USS Niagara Membership Handbook & By?Laws
Table of Contents
ARTICLE I – Chapter Information
Section 1: Name
Section 2: Address
Section 3: Internet and Social Media Presence
Section 4: Slogan
ARTICLE II – Parent Organization
Section 1: STARFLEET International
Section 2: STARFLEET Marine Corps
Section 3: STARFLEET Special Operations
ARTICLE III – Purpose/Mission
ARTICLE IV – Membership
Section 1: Membership Qualifications
Section 2: Membership Definitions
Section 3: The Membership Packet
Section 4: Requests for Transfer to the Ship
Section 5: Requests for Transfers from the Ship
Section 6: Membership Rights and Responsibilities
Section 7: Non?Discrimination against Members
Section 8: Disciplinary Action
Section 9: Appeals
ARTICLE V – Meetings of Members
Section 1: Types of Meetings
Section 2: General Membership Meetings
Section 3: Command Crew Meetings
Section 4: Charity Committee Meetings
Section 5: Special Meetings
Section 6: Meeting Notifications
Section 7: Meeting Order and Structure
Section 8: Motions
Section 9: Voting
Section 10: Proxy Voting
ARTICLE VI – Senior Officers
Section 1: Positions and Qualifications
Section 2: Special Positions
Section 3: Field Promotions