USQ-Springfield Open Day Program 2018 110113 Marketing-Springfield Open Day Program 2018 | Page 13
Engineer, construct, survey and plan your future career
with USQ. Be part of the solution to world problems and get
hands-on practical work experience you will need for the
global workplace.
Time Description Location
All day Meet the academics
Talk to our world-class academics who will provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to
take the next step to changing your world. Atrium,
Building B
All day Engineering USQ innovations
The fields of engineering and science offer so many options. Come and meet our experienced
staff and discover which field is for you. Check-out the innovations impacting our world,
including the hidden world of infrared, smart materials from the future, mobile robot navigation,
and low-cost, low-energy desalination. Main
3.30 pm &
4.30 pm Civil Engineering Lab tour
Explore our facilities, and take the opportunity to meet and talk with the lecturers from a range
of engineering fields. Meet at the
Campus Tour
5.00 pm–
5.30 pm Future Talk – Pyramids, Paris and pegs – Chris McAlister
From the Pyramids to Paris, everywhere you’ve ever wanted to go, a surveyor has already been.
Chris is on a mission to explain the dark art that is surveying, how we can all use GPS better, and
what all those pegs at your property boundary actually mean. Surveying is a globally portable skill,
and almost every country in the world needs more surveyors, so if you want a guaranteed job, this
is the talk for you! Auditorium,
Building D
5.30 pm–
6.00 pm Future Talk – Your home, your build: problems, pitfalls and possibilities – Dr Vasantha
With a raging debate on whether to buy or rent, the purchase of a new land, building a new
house, selecting a house and land package, or building your dream home – whether it is for
occupation, investment, or both – is riddled with many challenges in perhaps one of the biggest
financial decisions in one’s life. Accordingly, understanding the real issues is fundamental to
making a good choice. B434, Level 4,
Building B
6.00 pm–
6.30 pm Future Talk – Have you ever thought of becoming an engineering 'Doctor'? – Dr Andy
Traditionally, most civil-structural engineers choose to describe themselves as (structural)
designers, but it is time for them to rethink their role and see themselves as a 'doctor', caring for
the health of existing civil engineering structures. The talk will take you through to know about
what kind of 'sicknesses' a structure may have, what instruments you can use to do the 'check-
up' and even what 'medicine' you may write down on the 'prescription'. B434, Level 4,
Building B