USDA May 2014 | Page 9

Something that has been in the works for a long time has finally come to fruition as we have been working behind the scenes on our new USDA website. As great as our old site was we felt we needed something more designed for USDA. We plan on providing league content here as well as anything related to sports gaming or even professional sports in general. When USDA moved to twitter over a year ago it was a great decision however, it caused our old website to become only used for league signups. We plan on becoming an active source for your gaming news. Here are some of the features of our new site:

-Blog feature on home page will be contunually updated as news hits.

-Members can now chat in PM or even our USDA chat

-Forums will be used for waiting list and general talk.

-League news will now be found on individual league sites

-Twitter integration allows all stories, news to be instantly shared throughout the community at the press of a button

-The ability to expand our brand and even host other leagues if desired.

-Email communication in case you need to get a hold of admins to signup

-Ability to show off our community gaming pictures & videos.

-Ability to provide a voice for our community members by allowing them to talk about their teams and league news via a blog.

-A landing spot for our monthly magazine which provides all USDA news and user driven content.

-A place for USDA TV Network to shine and see who is streaming and watch lg games via stream

We have many more plans with the site and will continue to listen to our community. We are hoping to expand and even host multiple leagues. Currently the banner is a work in progress so we should be replacing that soon. We ask all members register for the site here. Also, please register for the chat here. The site is currently a work in progress but we felt it was ready for you to see and enjoy.

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact an admin and we can help you out.

USDA—We Grow Champions!!