ps4 News:
The Golf Club
Golf fans finnaly get their wish with a golf simulator like no other. This game still hasn't dropped a release date but it's expected shortly. The game will allow users to create their own golf courses and share within the community.
MLB the Show Online Franchise
Signups will begin shortly for our MLB the Show Online Franchise. We are expecting to have anywhere from 20-30 teams based on signups. Also, be on the lookout for a USDA MLB admin twitter account where you can get all related news. To signup tweet: #USDAMLB
Video Editor
There will be a massive PS4 update coming very soon which will include a video editing app. This app will allow users to create videos using their own gameplay. You can either upload to FB or Youtube via a USB. We are looking forward to this tool.
With the stream ability found on the PS4 we have introduce USDATV. This will be our prime source for all teams streams. We are in the process of making it more PSN based rather than team based. If you would like to be included hit up an admin.