USASF Professional Responsibility Code 2019-2020 9.0 | Página 38

38 4. Address bullying behavior a. Make sure the child knows what the problem behavior is. Young people who bully must learn their behavior is wrong and harms others. b. Show kids that bullying is taken seriously. Calmly tell the child that bullying will not be tolerated. Model respectful behavior when addressing the problem. c. Work with the child to understand some of the reasons he or she bullied. For example: i. Sometimes children bully to fit in or just to make fun of someone is a little different from them. In other words, there may be some insecurity involved. ii. Other times kids act out because something else— issues at home, abuse, stress—is going on in their lives. They also may have been bullied. These kids may be in need of additional support. d. Involve the kid who bullied in making amends or repairing the situation. The goal is to help them see how their actions affect others. For example, the child can: i. Write a letter apologizing to the athlete who was bullied. ii. Do a good deed for the person who was bullied, for the Program, or for others in your community. iii. Clean up, repair, or pay for any property they damaged. e. Avoid strategies that don’t work or have negative consequences: i. Zero tolerance or “three strikes, you’re out” strategies don’t work. Suspending or removing from the team athletes who bully does not reduce bullying behavior. Athletes may be less likely to report and address bullying if suspension or getting kicked off the team is the consequence. ii. Conflict resolution and peer mediation don’t work for bullying. Bullying is not a conflict between people of equal power who share equal blame. Facing those who have bullied may further upset kids who have been bullied. f. Follow-up. After the bullying issue is resolved, continue finding ways to help the child who bullied to understand how what they do affects other people. For example, praise acts of kindness or talk about what it means to be a good teammate. 5. Support bystanders who witness bullying. Every day, kids witness bullying. They want to help, but don’t know how. Fortunately, there are a few simple, safe ways that athletes can help stop bullying when they see it happening. a. Be a friend to the person being bullied. b. Tell a trusted adult – your parent, coach, or Program Owner. c. Help the kid being bullied get away from the situation. Create a distraction, focus the attention on something else, or offer a way for the target to get out of the situation. “Let’s go, practice is about to start.” d. Set a good example by not bullying others. e. Don’t give the bully an audience. Bullies are encouraged by the attention they get from bystanders. If you do nothing else, just walk away. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOR COACHES & OWNERS We recommend that Owners and Coaches download an become familiar with: • Safesport Handbook: Preventing Bullying: What Great Coaches Need to Know This document is located in the USASF Member Resources.