USASF Professional Responsibility Code 2017-2018 7.0 | Page 20

Protocol USASF Members interested in filing a complaint must first contact their USASF Regional Director within 90 days of the alleged violation. The RD will review the complaint and provide a copy of the Professional Responsibility Code and the actual forms for filing. Reports of non-compliance are to be submitted via the USASF Non-Compliance Agreement document. The USASF will not accept any anonymous reports; additionally, the reporting agent’s name will be recorded and kept on file by the USASF Disciplinary/Compliance Committee Director. The reporting document will indicate the specific guideline that has been allegedly breached, including all supporting documents or proofs needed, as well as the specific details of time, date, location, etc., of the alleged violation. USASF Disciplinary/Compliance Committee Director must notify the chairman/committee of any incomplete forms. Review Committee Determined by the Director and based on the classification of membership, a separate and non-biased Review Committee of the Disciplinary Committee or the Compliance Committee will be created for each grievance utilizing the following criteria: 1. Region the complaint originates and potentially impacts. 2. Removal of any potential conflicts of interest. 3. The Sergeant at arms provides copies of both Non-Compliance Agreement Form and the response of the accused to members of the Review Committee immediately following formal written response from the accused. 4. The Sergeant At Arms will schedule a conference call with members of the Review Committee to review the non-compliance form and the response received from the accused. During this call, the Review Committee will review all documentation and proof provided by every party involved. 5. The Review Committee will make a recommendation for additional inquiry and/or specific action directly to the USASF Board of Directors. 6. The USASF Board of Directors will provide clear direction regarding the levying of penalties for noncompliance or unethical behavior including but not limited to the use of fines and/or suspension of privileges for various periods of time. Conflict of Interest Each individual occurrence will be reviewed to determine any conflict of interest. A conflict of interest arises when a board member or committee person’s duty of loyalty to the organization comes into conflict with a competing financial and/or personal interest that he or she may have regarding the specific case being reviewed. Full disclosure of all potential or perceived conflicts must be identified by the Disciplinary/Compliance Chairman and those members must excuse themselves or may be disqualified by the Chairman or the Director, from any involvement in the case. The disciplinary chairman will verify that all inferences of conflict have been removed prior to proceeding with the review. USASF Disciplinary committee members must identify & distinguish between situations that give the appearance of a conflict and those that involve a material conflict where a board and or/ committee member has a direct or indirect financial interest in transactions with the party filing the non-compliance case or the party responding. 19. Protocol PENALTY RECOMMENDATIONS