USA East Music NYSB BULLETIN - SUMMER 2018 | Page 2

From the Bandmaster We All Have a Place One of my favorite things to do is to play golf and one of the many reasons I love playing golf is that I can spend the time being alone with my thoughts. On the flipside, golf can allow me to spend the hours playing and conversing with close friends … or complete strangers. I recently spent an afternoon at my local town golf course where I ended up being randomly paired with two older gentlemen. They were about 30 years older than me and from very different walks of life. One served in the military when he was young and told stories about being laid off job after job as he grew older. The other was highly successful, clearly wealthy and had travelled the world over. These two men had completely different backgrounds, work experience, family life—they could not have been more different—but for four hours on that day, they were doing the same thing in the same place at relatively the same level. We spent some great hours learning about each other, our differences and our similarities while playing a game we all loved. A marvelous thing about music, and specifically music within The Salvation Army, is that regardless of background or experience or income level or ethnicity, you can have a place, you can belong. In a band or vocal group, you can sit next to someone who is fifty years older than you or twenty years younger; you can sit next to someone you’ve known all your life or someone born in a country half way around the world. You can end up next to someone that you never would have met without being in that particular place, at that particular time, playing or singing the music that you both love. Every season, the New York Staff Band has the opportunity to form amazing connections with other musicians who appreciate the medium of ministry presented by the band. It is a much-loved feature of membership in this group. This season we had the privilege of playing alongside musicians from Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, and from all across our own Eastern Territory. The experiences we have as Salvation Army musicians are beautiful and unique, erasing barriers and reminding us that we all have a place … that we belong together. Commissioners William A. & G. Lorraine Bamford Territorial Leaders USA, East Lt. Colonel James LaBossiere Executive Officer New York Staff Band Derek W. Lance Bandmaster, NYSB ON THE COVER: New York Staff Bandsman, Harrison Lubin, gathers with the Saitama Premier Band. 2   ‡   N Y S B B U L L E T I N   S U M M E R 2 0 1 8