USA East Music BULLETIN - WINTER 2019/20 - ISSUE 4 | Page 14
By Jennifer Bennett, Lowell Citadel Corps, MA
DECEMBER 8, 2019 — The Massachusetts
Division held its annual Sounds of
Christmas concert, lead by B/M Matthew
Luhn, on December 8th. The program
included a delightful mix of sacred and
secular Christmas music by Mass Brass,
MASS Chorus, the Brockton Timbrel
Brigade, and the Lawrence Dance Team.
Solo performances included a dance by
Joseph Seymour of Brockton, a vocal solo by
Mahala Nelson of Plymouth, a piano solo by
S/L Jennifer Bennett of Lowell, and a cornet
solo by Katelyn Knickerbocker of Quincy
accompanied by the band. Guest vocalist
Lydia Harrell, a Boston area performer and
voice professor at Berklee College of Music,
shared Christmas standards accompanied
by her jazz quartet. The audience thrilled to
her performance and gave her a standing
Throughout the evening the auditorium
was filled with the joyful sounds of the
season as the congregation joined with the
band for the singing of Christmas carols.
The musical offerings were complimented
by a dramatic presentation by Drew Forster
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of the Boston Kroc Center and a series of
vignettes by Major Marcus Jugenheimer
titled “In the Shadow of the Manger.” The
second half of the program ended with a
grand finale performance of “O Come, All
Ye Faithful” with participation by the band,
chorus, congregation, and Ms. Harrell. After
words of appreciation and the benediction
the evening concluded with the band
playing the iconic band arrangement
“Christmas Joy.” ■
W W W. M U S I C . S A CO N N E C T S . O R G