USA East Music BULLETIN - FALL 2019 - ISSUE 3 | Page 6

Sunday morning’s meeting took place in the Central Corps, commencing with some preliminary music by the Pendel Brass and Sin Limites. A personal highlight for me during the service was seeing the Cuban cadets brought to tears of joy after the Pendel Officers presented each of them with brand new laptops. The morning featured contributions from the Pendel Music & Arts forces, including Gavin Whitehouse’s “Forever You Will Be” and Geron Davis’s “Closer Still,” in addition to a stirring message from Lt. Col. Larry Ashcraft. Lunch was followed by an outdoor block party with Sin Limites and the Pendel Brass/Timbrels. This was a time for everyone to let their hair down, as it were; the Brass featured music from the lighter side of their repertoire such as Barrie Gott’s “Shine” & Stephen Bulla’s “Lift Up Your Voice” while the Timbrels presented a routine to Barrie Gott’s “Daniel.” The evening finished up with dinner and fellowship at the guest houses. Monday started with visits to both the Bejucal and San Francisco Corps. This was a bittersweet time, as it was the final outing for Majors Jud & Lori Laidlaw, along with their son Josh, as they would be moving to the Swoneky Division after a thirteen- year appointment in Pendel. The Laidlaw family was honored for their service to the Music & Arts forces before Lt. Col. Larry prayed a special blessing over them. We sang “God Be With You” and prayed for the ongoing ministry of the two Corps. The rest of the day was ours to spend sight- seeing in the beautiful downtown area of Old Havana, where we had lunch and went shopping for souvenirs. It was a nice relaxed way to spend our day as our time in Cuba began to wind down. After a final meal together and a tour of the Museum of the Revolution, it was time to part ways and head back to the US. God had revealed so much to us during our time in Cuba and we were thankful for the new connections that were formed, the memories that were made, and the experiences that were shared. Thank you, Cuban Salvationists, for such an amazing weekend. “God Be With You ‘Till We Meet Again.” ■ 6 • USA EAST MUSIC BULLETIN | FA L L 2 0 1 9 W W W. M U S I C . S A CO N N E C T S . O R G