Redecorating Your Living Room
By: Kevin Schmiterson
After you have lived in one place for long enough, it goes from simply being someplace you live
into being your home. When you are at home you should always feel a sense of warmth and comfort in every room, but this is especially true when it comes to your living or family room. If you feel
your décor has gotten a little stale over the years, it may be time to consider a redecoration project. In just a few weekends you can enhance the look and feel of your living space with just a few
simple upgrades.
The first thing you will want to take into consideration
is the style of room décor you want to go with. Do you
like traditional or contemporary looks? Is it time to try
something a little more daring with a modern setup?
Whichever approach you settle on should dictate
how you plan your décor purchases and decisions.
For example if you want to design a modern living
room, floral wall decals might not be the first thing on
your shopping list.
After your initial decisions about design style are
made, it is time to start planning what you will need
to update. Your furniture is the first place to start. Decide if your current set fits the look you are going for,
and if it doesn’t consider buying a new room group to
keep a consistent look without having to shop around
too much. If your furniture is in good shape, you can
move onto other things like new wall décor or other
living room accessories like TV stands and coffee
tables. The key thing you will want to keep in mind
is consistency among each furniture piece and decoration and making sure everything ties in with your
initial design plans.
If you want to redecorate your living room, but don’t
want to spend a lot of money, you might want to think
about cost saving measures you can take early on.
There is several furniture outlets that sell used or
slightly damaged furniture that will fit your plans, or
you can even try online auction sites for good deals.
No matter what route you decide to take you need to
keep in mind that the end result should be something
you will embrace. If you find comfort and beauty in
your current home décor, then the only change you
may need to make is a new plant to put near your
favorite chair.