Longleaf Golf & Family Club The U . S . Kids Golf Academy
In Southern Pines , NC , the Foundation operates Longleaf Golf & Family Club and the U . S . Kids Golf Academy . Collectively , they are our “ Living Lab ” for golf . This is where great ideas are conceptualized , developed , refined , and ultimately introduced to help programs serve kids and families worldwide . One such result is the Longleaf Tee System , which uses empirical data to add more teeing locations that scale a course to fit players of all abilities properly . Facilities incorporating this system have significantly increased rounds — particularly for beginners , kids , women , and seniors .
The U . S . Kids Golf Academy continues to develop our Player Pathway curriculum , creating a roadmap for players to learn , have fun , improve , and develop . Kids Golf coaches around the world have adopted this program to increase enrollment and instill proper fundamentals and skills in their students .
Learn More : uskidsgolfacademy . com longleafteesystem . com
How you can help us !
The U . S . Kids Golf Foundation pursues its mission with the help and support of hundreds of volunteers , donors , tournament directors , and coaches . To find opportunities to serve , scan the QR code or visit :
foundation . uskidsgolf . com / how-you-can-help
The U . S . Kids Golf Foundation is a GuideStar rated “ Gold-Level ” organization , dedicated to serving families around the nation and world through golf .
3040 Northwoods Parkway , Peachtree Corners , GA 30071-1523 | 888.3 . USKIDS | 888.387.5437 | 770.441.3077 All content © 1996 – 2023 U . S . Kids Golf