U.S. Kids Golf Foundation '23 Annual Impact Report 2023 | Page 2

A message from our founder .

Since our inception in 2001 , the U . S . Kids Golf Foundation has aimed to serve and support parents as they bring their children into the game . Our consistent growth has had a significant impact on golf and families worldwide . I ’ m pleased to present our 2023 Impact Report , with the following notable highlights :
| 685 coaches were trained in “ Best Practices ” for kid-friendly golf programs by our Coaches Institute . Since it was founded in 2012 , 6,780 coaches have been trained globally .
| A full revision and improvement of our Player Pathway curriculum . Golf professionals worldwide use this to keep young players growing in the game .
| Our Tournament team organized 2,163 events in 95 U . S . markets and 50 countries . Nearly 30,000 players participated in at least one event . We conduct more tournaments each year than any other organization in the world .
These accomplishments are only possible with our purpose-based staff dedicated to serving and the support and help of people like you . Whether you ’ re a coach , volunteer , donor , tournament director , or tournament family , we thank you for being a part of this fulfilling mission .
Sincerely ,
Dan Van Horn
President and Founder U . S . Kids Golf Foundation