Urbanfit Magazine Summer 2013 | Page 10



UrbanFit is more than just fitness


LIMINATE MSG ’ S *** Be careful to not invade your body with chemical poisons ( whether through food , medication , vaccination and pollution ) These will ALL keep your vibrations low . When that happens your brain and body becomes susceptible to ANYTHING ***” ex . Mcdonalds and Aspertame .
“ A genetically modified organism ( GMO ) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques . Organisms that have been genetically modified include micro-organisms such as bacteria and yeast , insects , plants , fish , and mammals . GMOs are the source of genetically modified foods , and are also widely used in scientific research and to produce goods other than food . The term GMO is very close to the technical legal term , ‘ living modified organism ’ defined in the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety , which regulates international trade in living GMOs ( specifically , “ any living organism that possesses a novel combination of genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology ”).”
Reports of gluten intolerance are massively increasing these days , many cases being labeled CELIAC disease ... but the REAL cause might be much more sinister ... the fact that almost our ENTIRE wheat supply ( and it ’ s found in countless products , not just bread ) is now GMO - made from genetically modified organisms .
Many supermarkets now have entire aisles of gluten-free foods . Unfortunately for consumers , the Monsantos of the country plus the food industry as a whole have spent millions for lobbying and fighting ballot measures that would REQUIRE honest labeling when GMO ’ s are included in food items we purchase .
WHY IT ’ S BAD : It ’ s an known excitotoxin , which is a neurotoxic chemical additive shown to harm nerve cells — overexciting them , sometimes to the point of cell death . Regularly consuming excitotoxins like MSG destroys significant numbers of brain cells and can lead to serious health problems , including neurological disorders . ( The two other common excitotoxins used in food are aspartic acid ( found in aspartame ) and l-cysteine , which is used as a dough conditioner .) In addition , regular consumption of MSG has been shown to stimulate the appetite and contribute to weight gain and obesity .
AVOID HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP ( HFCS ) This is a highly-refined sweetener in which corn starch is separated from the corn kernel . The corn starch is then converted into corn syrup through a process called acid hydrolysis .
WHY IT ’ S BAD : Nearly all HFCS is made from genetically-modified corn . It is the number-one source of calories in the US diet , and has been shown to contribute to weight gain and the development of diabetes .
HFCS also is a major contributor to cardiovascular disease , arthritis , insulin resistance , and elevated triglycerides and raised LDL cholesterol . In 2009 , the Environmental Health Journal reported that a study conducted by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy found mercury in 9 of 20 samples of commercial HFCS . The HFCS came from 3 different manufacturers including popular brands such as Quaker , Hunts , Kraft , Yoplait , Nutri-Grain , and Smuckers . Mercury is a heavy metal and is considered a potent brain toxin . The presence of mercury-contaminated caustic soda in the production of HFCS is common .
AKA : Corn sugar , glucose / fructose ( syrup ), high-fructose maize syrup inulin , iso-glucose , and fruit fructose .
IT ’ S FOUND IN : Soda , salad dressings , breads , cereals , yogurt , soups , lunch meats , pizza sauce and condiments . On average , Americans consume 12 teaspoons of HFCS per day .
UrbanFit is more than just fitness