Urbane Gazette Volume 5 - Issue 4 | Page 4


Finding and approaching potential clients is crucial for building a successful business . As I mentioned in my previous article , “ Commencing the Journey ”, you have now defined your niche , created your ideal client profile , and identified the market in which your service or product will sit . Be confident in the knowledge you have skills clients are willing to pay for , and play to these strengths . From personal experience , when you are motivated and passionate about your niche , this enthusiasm will translate into an economic reality . You just need that first client to start the Journey !

Ensure you have the right tools in your toolbox with which to work . Invest time , effort , and money into creating a professional website to display your portfolio , and to showcase your experience , skills , and previous work . Your portfolio should showcase examples of your best work , and demonstrate the value you offer to clients . Engaging professionals to assist with this is paramount if you are not tech savvy . Also consider hiring a professional photographer to capture those images which demonstrate your portfolio . The services of a professional copywriter could also greatly assist with the wording of the website . In conjunction with the website , consider your IT requirements . Domain names , hosting services and email addresses are all considerations usually left to the last minute , however having these future email addresses and securing domain names are worthwhile considerations to future proof expansion .
Use the power of social media to promote yourself . We live in a digital world where clients have access to information at their fingertips . Therefore , ensure you are across as many online platforms as possible . In conjunction with a strong website and Instagram , Facebook and TikTok , use other network platforms such as LinkedIn to connect with a broad range of professionals within the industry and connect with potential clients . And if you don ’ t feel you have the expertise , know how or time to be across all social media platforms , there are no shortage of specialist companies you can engage to assist , to generate suitable content .
Consider promoting your services by offering free mini workshops or consultations . Provide a taste of your services allowing potential clients to experience your expertise firsthand . Make it an immersive journey with a range of interactive activities and perhaps offer an introductory fee for clients who book following their attendance at one of these events .
Networking is important , particularly in the infancy stage of any business . Attend as many industry events , seminars , and workshops as possible and be willing to consider opportunities when presented to connect with other professionals and potential clients . Don ’ t be shy ! You may need to ask friends , family , and previous colleagues for referrals to encourage them to promote your services .
Think about your communication style and skills . If you are taking on the sales role initially you may want to practice your client “ pitch ”. Have a dialogue prepared to clearly articulate to potential clients and to help build your confidence . And remember to listen to potential clients in these meetings to understand their needs . Tailor your approach according to your client and be willing to remain flexible to adapt to their needs .
Building a client base takes time . Patience and confidence in your ability is key . Each client interaction , whether it converts into a “ sale ” or not , is important . Whilst you may not realise a sale from that initial meeting , always consider future opportunities which could develop in time as the client ’ s needs change . Every client meeting will help refine your style and approach . Confidence comes with experience . The more you engage with potential clients , are adaptive and listen to them , the more comfortable and confident you will become .
Don ’ t be shy – put yourself out there and showcase those skills but remain humble , have belief in yourself and your work and others will recognise this belief . Most importantly you need to remain patient as it takes time to build a brand , a following , and have a portfolio of work . A good friend once told me the key to business is staying in business !