Urbane Gazette Volume 5 - Issue 3 | Page 4


Starting your own business can be a daunting experience and one you are never ready for , until you are ! Steve Gliosca , Managing Director of Urbane Projects , shares his thoughts on taking that first step towards business ownership which , whilst rewarding , isn ’ t without its challenges . Steve took the opportunity 18 years ago and founded one of Perth ’ s most prominent residential design and construction company , shaping the Swan River shoreline with beautiful architectural homes . Initially working from a small office located in Ardross , Steve was solely responsible for designing , documenting , and supervising all projects . With perseverance and hard work , Urbane grew to what it is today , a strong team of 18 employees and a large contingent of subcontractors and suppliers focussed on delivering an exceptional home to each of its clients . We asked Steve what advice he would provide to someone wanting to start their own business and how he managed to grow from a one-man team to the success Urbane is today , having firmly cemented its position in Perth ’ s luxury residential construction industry .

Steve quotes Dale Carnegie as saying “ You never achieve real success unless you like what you are doing ”.
“ All business start with a great idea , and with so much information now readily available and thousands of businesses starting every day , there is no shortage of Google advice !”
“ I think at the forefront , be clear about what it is you are undertaking . Set initial parameters and write that business plan . I am often bemused when I review my initial aspirations , I wrote upon starting Urbane ! There was some naivety around some of the statements I wrote initially . However , so much of what I wanted to achieve , written in that business plan , still holds true today . It was clear in my mind I wanted to start with a strong ethos around design . It is still a core focus and one I am passionate about as I encourage my clients , and my team , to take the time in creating a strong design from which everything else evolves organically . And this translates into any business model – holding firm on your core principles of why you wanted to take the initial leap into starting your own business transcends into your business model .”
Steve also strongly suggests you surround yourself with professionals who can assist in areas where your skills may be lacking . “ A strong community who can assist you to focus on working to your strengths will be invaluable . And find a great mentor ! Someone who has already been through many of the challenges of owning a successful business .” With all the technological advancements in the last two decades , things have come a long way from the old fax machine , an essential piece of office equipment 20 years ago when Steve first started his business ! “ Surround yourself with the tools you need for your business – whether that be a great social media platform , a powerful website or specialised equipment required to run your business , research what you require and set yourself up to succeed ”.
“ Ultimately , you are responsible for your success however no great success is rewarded without effort and hard work along the way !”