Urbane Gazette Volume 3 - Issue 3 | Page 8


# humansofurbane

Reini is well known for his positive outlook and can-do attitude and is an integral part of the construction team since he started with Urbane in 2012 .
He brings a wealth of life experiences with him having joined the army after leaving school , transitioning into banking , sales , and then a stint in the hospitality industry before moving into the building industry 11 years ago .
Reni ’ s enjoyment of the outdoors , love of power tools and ability to undertake any task ensures his skills are in high demand across our building sites
“ Happy days !”

Human-Centered Design

Our design approach is very humancentric . With the client always at the center of our design thinking , we strive to put ourselves in the shoes of the client to review our work with a critical eye from their perspective .
This framework ensures our processes are adaptive : a unique journey for unique people .
To achieve a truly custom experience , we allow the journey to be guided by the clients ’ preferred course of action . A method we have improved over the years to better understand , interpret , and shape our clients ’ vision .
www . urbane . net . au ( 08 ) 9329 9560 info @ urbane . net . au
Photographed by Jody D ’ Arcy