URBAN VIBEs SWERVEweekly 2017 | Page 19

SPEAK UP NOW NOT TOMORROW (portion of article)

If YOU have been sexually harassed in your place of business and you DID NOT report it because you FEARED for your JOB, READ THE SENTENCE AGAIN PLEASE. (Also understand there are exceptions to all rules)

If YOU have been sexually harassed in your place of business and you DID NOT report it because you FEARED for your Job, WHAT does is say about we the people in general (think before you jump)? I will tell you what it says, it says that we are willing to CURVE our MORAL codes for MONEY and then get very offended when someone points it out (especially in Hollywood). I didn't say quit your job, im simply pointing out a reality. AS AN ADULT IT IS YOUR DUTY TO PLACE YOUR MORAL CODE ABOVE ALL THINGS.

Are we offended yet?..............(JAN 2018) READ ABOUT IT



put your SWERVE on it

FEMINIST movement


BLACK ON BLACK CRIME (just another propagated word?)