Editor note: DOSH
In 2008 I ran across the whole virtual world of 3D
chat. Though I truly can’t recall how or why I came
across it, I found myself like many others, signing in
and engaging in virtual realities on the regular.
After a short while I became acclimated with the
scene and the many virtual assets that could be
combined with real talents to create “real life in a
virtual world.” Within my first year I created a very
small group of friends that enjoyed writing and
sharing, which in turn gave birth to my first venture
the very successful “theHOUSEofPOETRY.” With the
immediate success of the HOUSE I then began to
create virtual books filled with the many different
poets that attended our poetry events.
SWERVEmagazine: I first began creating SWERVE as
a 3d trigger product to de read in the comfort of
your chat room. Wanting to capture a broader
audience outside of IMVU I started to play around
with many different programs pertaining to creating
a magazine. I played around on different sites for a
while, thus creating my first few magazines. Again,
by chance, I ran across a site called “issuu” which I
enjoyed creating with. We released our first “issuu”
in 2011, though it was not our first magazine it was
the new beginning of a new beginning.