Urban Teen Magazine May/Jun 2015 | Page 28

Whereeeee to start…… Well I guess I should tell you a bit about my story and how I got here, so here goes…. Hellooooo, my name is London Ellis and I am singer/songwriter from London chasing my dreams with my big stubborn personality to get my music heard and to make other people happy with it. I have always wanted to be a singer. You know when you are asked in school what you wanna be when you grow up? Well mine wasn’t the astronaut, (even though the thought of jumping around on the moon does sound fun), not the Princess, (even though having a prince whisk me off my feet wouldn’t be such a terrible thing, damn maybe I should re-think this…) but anyway I said “I’m gonna be a Popstar” and I have never changed my mind since. I have been writing and recording since I was 14 years old. I was always told I wrote lyrics that made me sound a lot older than my age and that I managed to really reach out to everyone with my music from young teens to the older generation, little did they know I wrote those songs in the bath…. with my Barbies… whilst Ken serenaded Barbie in her dream house, but hey we all have to start somewhere. I have been very lucky to have already had the opportunity to have worked with some amazing people such as Professor Green and Example when we were all just fighting for the dream of ‘making it’, singing vocals in a decked out, sound proofed toilet (classy I know..) living in the land of creative thoughts and just knowing that one day we’d all get there. I love London and its quirky, unique traits but I always felt like something was missing for me and decided a good 5 years ago that I was going to live the dream and move to America. Photo Credit: Serena Creative 28 www.urbanteenmagazine.com www.urbanteenmagazine.com o E E a U e U s W y i m p o t p L t u t G h w s s m p a w p i w f U A U p i b i o p L G A m t s I r w a U U a y c t y D L s G L D g t l I “ a