Urban Teen Magazine Jul/Aug 2015 | Page 4

URBAN TEEN MAGAZINE Publisher’s Page “Urban Teen Magazine” is a magazine written for teens. Urban Teen Magazine is dedicated to teens with stories that affect them, such as local & current events, music, beauty & fashion, sports, and health, as well as features of teens and up & coming teen celebrities doing positive things. Urban Teen features some of our talented Up & Coming and Indie Artist on Urban Teen Magazine Radio on Blog Talk Radio It is our goal and mission to provide the opportunity for talented teens and targeted artists an outlet to show-case their skills. Urban Teen Magazine is always looking for fresh new content, so if you are a young person in high school or college and would like to contribute to UrbanTeen just visit www.urbanteenmagazine.com please be sure to read our writer’s guidelines. I look forward to serving you, Sincerely, Sandra White-Stevens, Publisher www.urbanteenmagazine.com 4