5 things you should leave behind
in the New Year
(BPT) - "Should auld acquaintance be forgot..."
It's that time of year again, when you cast off those bad habits and recreate the new, better
you. If you're ready to recreate yourself and save a little money in 2016, here are five things
you're better off leaving behind in 2015.
1. A latte-a-day. Coffee, sodas, maybe that mid-morning snack - these small daily expenses
may seem like a minimal hit to the bank account, but they can add up over time. To control
spending, create a monthly budget for only these types of perks. This way you know exactly
how much you have to spend on those daily extras without going over your planned budget.
2. Your overpriced wireless contract. "Spend less money - save more," was among the top
six resolutions for respondents in 2015, according to Statista. This year, don't get oversold on
paying for more than you need. Total Wireless is making wireless service simple again by
offering plans that give you everything you need and nothing you don't, now and into the New
Year. For $35, Total Wireless gives you unlimited talk and text, plus 2.5 gigabytes of data for
30 days on America's largest and most de