Urban Landscape Market August 2016 | Page 3

Population Engines : The Rise of Urbanization ; Identifying and understanding the future urban landscape
Key Findings
The world ' s largest 600 cities will account for 30 % of global population growth and 70 % of global GDP growth in 2015-25 , which translates into $ 35tn .
Despite the fast rate of urbanization , some cities will be shrinking . Surprisingly , some rapidly shrinking cities are capitals and other large cities with major economic clout in their home countries .
Aging populations are an increasingly common issue in emerging regions . 60 % of the population growth in the 65-plus age category will take place in the Asia-Pacific region .
Economic success is not necessarily about size . The cities with the largest per capita GDP have populations of less than 2 million .
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Population Engines : The Rise of Urbanization ; Identifying and understanding the future urban landscape

Key Findings

The world ' s largest 600 cities will account for 30 % of global population growth and 70 % of global GDP growth in 2015-25 , which translates into $ 35tn .

Despite the fast rate of urbanization , some cities will be shrinking . Surprisingly , some rapidly shrinking cities are capitals and other large cities with major economic clout in their home countries .

Aging populations are an increasingly common issue in emerging regions . 60 % of the population growth in the 65-plus age category will take place in the Asia-Pacific region .

Economic success is not necessarily about size . The cities with the largest per capita GDP have populations of less than 2 million .

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