Urban Grandstand Digital Special Edition Faith Evans | Page 17

The following user & fans have been tuned into our social media accounts as we've been spotlighting "FAITH" for the past two weeks. Here's a few of the names of the diehard fans eho have liked various posts related to "FAITH"....


Charline Prn * Adedolapo Mary Alonge * Ava Blake

Jarrod Xflow Brown * Janielle KiKi Jackson * Jason Powers

Erin Armendarex * Samuel Pedi * Maurice Ra'Shid

Angie Love * Christa Love * Quis B. McCarthy

JustCall'Me HollyWood * Alli Yah * Wendell Tone

Joe James Jr. * Travis Richardson * Keith Richardson

Chal Banz * Alicia Collins Brooks * Bebe Uscatu Frt Alexandru

Me'Yani Blackwell * N'Jae Gigi Wise * Mark London

Jay-pee Remolador * Kierstin Alana-SunShine Jay * Kristi J. Roundtree

Daniel March * Fabyana Crystina *


@13davine_essence * @ms._redd2u * @x.cyln * @_thisis40

@blty02 * @baylorbarbee * @guncockfox * @maryraiahailong

@nyfly * @kdwatkins4158 * @_awaiimami * @mxxre

@tajenirah1 * @dope_aholic * @trenyce1

@adymondntheruff * @almaddin * @coachmichellek

@precision_08 * @polo_leaf9

@honeyhawtmess * @nspiredmoments * @thamusicdrop

@kasey_namun * @jujoem0402 * @amyyylorenzana

@williamdynamite * @xflow86 * @incomparable_art87

@1of1_noneb4none2come * @samegirl1 * @lenus87

@c.major1980 * @yasecretadmiirer * @twintaco22

@natri_revolushaunary * @kaedii_12 * @crystallovely7

@dreamfridays * @realmannarino * @amirakalmarketing