about your shows at the Improv, but Cocoa Brown: Thank you. I think peoyou’re also working on the People vs. ple see me on For Better or Worse,
OJ Simpson?
but they see Jennifer. She’s funny.
She has her moments where she can
Cocoa Brown: Yes, we completed be serious. There’s great moments,
that back in November. it premieres but overall, people think she’s funny.
February 16th on FX. It’s American Then the Progressive commercial,
Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simp- I’m funny. On Soul Man, I’m funny.
son. It was created by Ryan Murphy. When you get to a point where you
It’s directed by some of the greats: say look, I’m an actress and I’m more
Anthony Hemingway of The Wire; than funny, sometimes it’s challenga young brother who is just doing it ing to break the status quo. There’s
right now. Also John Singleton, from more to you than just getting that
Higher Learning, and Boyz N The chuckle.
Hood. What was so awesome is he
hand picked me for the role I have. UG Digital: This will show that
He was the first director to totally though.
believe that Cocoa Brown could do
drama. She’s more than funny. I’m Cocoa Brown: I believe so. You someso grateful to him for that. It was times have to take that L. Sometimes
an amazing experience just watch- you have to take the lower pay just
ing John Travolta, Cuba Gooding Jr., to get that role for the body of work
and Courtney B. Vance, who is just to prove the point. It can’t be about
brilliant beyond belief. It was like be- the money all the time. Sometimes it
ing in the master class. I walk today has to be about the work.
so much smarter, wiser, and knowledgeable of the craft. I can’t wait to UG Digital: Now you also have a
sink my teeth into another dramatic fashion line coming, right?
Cocoa Brown: Yes, and I’m so excitUG Digital: I can’t wait to see it. ed. I partnered with a great store and
When i saw the promo for it, I ques- a and designer. We’re working on a
tioned whether anyone had fear or line called Phoenix Moon. It’s for the
reluctance in doing it?
curvy shorter girl. A lot of these stores
are like Amazon (laughing). The is for
Cocoa Brown: No, not at all. it was so the girls who have shape and they’re
funny how it happened. I was actual- under 5’8”. They have cute shape,
ly auditioning for another show that but their hippy.
John Singleton has coming out called
Snowfall. Unfortunately, I didn’t get UG Digital: Have you always been
that part, but, he was so impressed i into fashion? What took you in that
guess in seeing that I could do drama, direction?
that when he was directing American
Crime Story, a part came up for a ju- Cocoa Brown: I’ve always liked to
ror the has significance in OJ getting dress, but I blame my mother for that.
off. He called and said he couldn’t She has always been a dressin’ thang.
put me on Snowfall, but he could use They get it together when they step
me for American Crime Story. That out that door. She’s been like that.
would show the network that I could My mom was always about class. She
indeed do drama.
was about buying things that you can
wear five years from now, and peoUG Digital: I think that’s why peo- ple still compliment you for it. I used
ple are realizing your talent. I believe to get picked on when I was youngit starts with the work you’ve done er because everybody said I dressed
with Tyler. It’s amazing that you’re like a lawyer (laughing). Don’t get me
able to be a part of this.
wrong, older men loved it. They were
like oh, you’re so well put together.
Young guys were asking where the
booty shorts were.
UG Digital: But you just want to look
good though.
Cocoa Brown: I don’t know, I mean
my idols growing up were my mother
and aunts. I grew up wanting to be
Claire Huxtable. When did you ever
see her in some booty shorts (laughing)? I wanted to be her when I was
growing up. That was my thing. I’m
inspired by the women in my family,
and the Claire Huxtables, Cicely Tysons, Ruby Dees, Lena Hornes, and
Angela Bassetts…. I have always been
an admirer of women who embrace
their femininity, and were classy and
elegant. I don’t do the hoochie thing,
never been a phase of mine…OK, one
year, I went to freaknik, but that was
just one year (laughing).
UG Digital: Well there’s a lot of women who are just as inspired by you.
You’re doing things positive and on
a grande scale. We can see through
you how it all comes together, and
see that all these things are possible.
Cocoa Brown: Thank you so much…
UG Digital: So talk to me about what
to look out for with your shows?