UG Digital: How do you balance ev- by the way.
erything, obviously doing the show,
touring regularly, being a mother, Cocoa Brown: Thank you so much.
and everything else.
When you start to think about something, that’s when you get depressed
Cocoa Brown: You know, I don’t think and discouraged. You just can’t think
about it. I just do it. It’s like a quote about it. Sometimes, you just have to
that I did in the Single Mom’s Club.
do it. My schedule for the past few
weeks has been insane. Literally, I’ve
UG Digital: I loved you in that movie been overseas, on the west coast,
touring, filming, home for a day with
my kids, and back on the road. I may
have to drive two or three hours to
another spot. It’s crazy, but sometimes you have to t