a similar situation as me. I wish I had
the help when I was going through
it. It’s a tough situation, but I’m not
the first woman to go through it,
and I won’t be the last until society
changes. I don’t know if it ever will. I
was just trying to help someone else
out by using my story to give them a
boost and let them know you can get
through anything.
business, so to speak. They are not
affected in that way. They are big
kids, and they do see television. They
do ask questions, although Basketball Wives isn’t a show that I allow
them to watch. It didn’t hurt them.
They like the spotlight, and they had
a good time.
Urban Grandstand Digital: I think
visibly, people saw that you weren’t
Urban Grandstand Digital: I think involved in every episode. Was that
that’s true, and it’s good. A lot of intentional, or how did it play out repeople appreciate the way you were garding your involvement.
able to let people into your life and
allow them to see your truth, regard- Patrice Curry: When I started filmless of what it was. The fact that you ing, I was supposed to be a full time
opened up and shared about the infi- cast member, and as it went on, my
delity was major. How difficult was it husband decided he didn’t want to
for you to share it?
do anymore. The show didn’t want
me without him, so that’s how that
Patrice Curry: You know, at this stage worked out. I guess had I been more
in my life it wasn’t difficult to share active, and more troublesome mayit at all. There were times that I was be, they would have felt differently. I
filming and talking to the girls about feel like I’ve come a long way in life.
things, and of course this was cut I used to be a hot head, and I have
out, but there were times that I was worked hard to balance the out. I
crying in my talks, or feeling my pain didn’t feel the need to go back. I
on some levels and thinking of where didn’t really have anyone coming at
I had come from and where I was. It me for it to be an issue. It’s hard to
has its ups and downs, but I knew I fight when there’s no-one fighting
was using it to give God the glory and with you. I would have loved to be
not just to get fame out of it. If some- on longer to share more, because it’s
one can take from what I was saying a lot left out, but it is what it is.
and use it to get to the next level,
that was my objective. I had a good Urban Grandstand Digital: I think a
response from people, and I feel like lot of people appreciate the direcI did that. Even if it only touched one tion you came from. I know you’ve
person, one is more than none.
seen reality television, and you knew
of BBW prior. The drama obviously
Urban Grandstand Digital: I would sells, and a lot of people like it, but
think it was equally as difficult bring there’s an equal amount of peopl e
the kids into the light, especially con- who want to see more than that.
sider Eddie’s son who was obvious- They want to see people capitalize
ly conceived through the infidelity. the way they should, go to the next
How do you feel this has affected level, and build their brands. You’re
him, and most importantly, do you showing people there’s more to rethink that it has helped in any way? ality TV and they’ve been able to see
your true life.
Patrice Curry: The kids weren’t
around during the filming process Patrice Curry: Oh, well that’s good.
much of the time. That part was I’m glad to hear that. I was a little
showing that we are still a family. It worried. Thing would come across in
was more fun stuff for them. They how I was perceived. I know it’s not
don’t deal with adult issues. We try for everybody. I am in no way proto keep them out of grown folk’s moting that if you’re being cheated
on, staying in that relationship and
working it out. That’s not what I’m
saying, but we were both very young.
We were both growing and learning.
He was fresh out of high school and
into the league. You can’t hold people hostage by their past when they
have asked for forgiveness, and they
are changed and being a better person. We had a lot of rocky times but
we persevered. We got through it,
and there were times I hated him
and wasn’t bothered with him. We
weren’t together going strong the
entire time. I hope it didn’t come
off the I was just at home twittling
my thumbs while he did his thing. It
was never that, but the heart wants
what it wants. I believe that the fact
I had children with this man meant I
at least needed to put forth the effort to try and keep them as one, and
keep us together. I don’t take marriage lightly. I tried to do what I could
do and fight through it. If he were
still the same, it would be a different
story that you saw.
Urban Grandstand Digital: Now in
terms of the show, do you see yourself returning since it has been renewed?
Patrice Curry: I’m not coming back.
He definitely does not want to return
and I have to respect that. They don’t
want me alone, so I won’t be back
on the show. I am working on other things. A lot of me got list in the
translation as far as the show went. I
do a lot of things. I’m a very creative
person. I write, and I have a children’s book. I’m currently translating
to Spanish so I can market it to the
Hispanic community, who has a lot
of the same issues as a lot of us, as
far as losing a loved one. I’m writing
another book, and my husband and
I are writing a book together. I had
a meeting last week with an entertainment company. We’re working
on some TV shows that I’ve written.
I’m working on getting things going.
I’ve been a mother all this time, and
my youngest just started attending
school this year. I knew that once