Editor’s Notes
Greetings to you readers! We are at a pivotal moment in our
business. We have reached the one year mark of publishing
Urban Grandstand Digital! It was this time last year that we
released our first issue! Despite what you may hear or envision,
publishing a magazine and SURVIVING can be a beast! It’s a
known fact that most magazines fail in the first few years. We
have definitely done a lot of maneuvering with our daily practices to maintain in the publishing world. While it hasn’t necessarily been the easiest task, I must say choosing to build this
brand was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. By far, it’s
an exhilarating feeling to be following my passion. Having attended college for Journalism, I had easily fallen into the cycle
that many do: working a job simply to pay the bills. I worked in
a field that did just that. The money was decent, and the bills
were paid, yet, I was unhappy. I’ve learned over the years that
nothing is more important that my happiness. To now be successful at something that has long been a dream of mine has
done so much for my spirit. In terms of career, I’m happier than
I’ve been in a long time. Urban Grandstand Digital has done
so much for me in this short time, and it’s proof that dreams do
come true. As I’m sure you’ve noticed with many of our stories
and features, we aim to push following your dreams. We give a
little more focus to artists and the fact that they are living their
dreams, whether that be solely entertainment, or being a nurse
like Jules Nobles, who we had the pleasure of interviewing for
our March/April issue. I’ll say over and over that if you do what
you love, you’ll love what you do!!t