Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 12: OJ Da Juiceman | Seite 4

o you get up every day,

only to go to a job you

absolutely hate. You have no desire whatsoever to be there. Like most, you do it because you have to, or so you think you do. Don't get me wrong; I know full well what it means to have mounting bills, family, and other things you need to handle financially, and surely, those financial responsibilities aren't just going to disappear. It's definitely something I've personally dealt with in my own life.

People still ask the age-old question; can one truly follow their dreams and passion, and be happy? I can only speak in terms of my own life when I say yes. The past two years have been amazing for me, and the happiness I have in my life & career came from me making the conscious decision to follow my dreams. Now I know the world is wondering how I ultimately arrived at that decision. For many, it often takes being forced into a position of not having a job before one ultimately decides to do what they really want to do. In reality, with proper planning, it’s truly something that can be done at any point.

It only takes the will to make it happen, and the passion to put in the work.

The ability to follow my true passion was the result of a number of things. While it was mostly a conscious decision, it eventually turned into a situation where I had no choice after a certain point. In retrospect, the courage to leap forward came from a number of opportunities I had been blessed with that related to my passion. I’ve been blessed to learn so much along the way while building my own personal confidence, but

admittedly, that confidence was not always there. Honestly, I believe that once I began to focus more on me as opposed to pleasing everyone else, the confidence began to build. Like a domino effect, once I began to show more confidence in myself and my abilities, others began to take notice, and finally, the pilot was lit in terms of doing more of what I enjoyed. Much of my success is all attributed to creating and building my own opportunities. We hear it all the time, but I’m here to tell you that yes, it truly works.

Your Passion



Throughout your lifetime, you'll have many ideas for your career that revolve around the things that drive you, and the things you love to do. Many people will lead you to believe that those things are utterly impossible, and that you're not living in reality. Is it really crazy to believe you can be happy and successful following your dreams? Do you believe that you could live that very life? If you don't, the story below will show you how life can be if you simply believe in YOU!

James Johnson

Photo Credit: Real Revolution Radio [2015]