Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 94

I put the wardrobe together as well. You know your visions and you just go out and try to find it all. You do what you have to do. I was proud of the outcome.

U.G. Digital Mag: It’s a testament to your hard work. It shows people that they can pull these things off if they want to. You’re showing the world all the possibilities.

Tanta T: Right. If you see it, you can do it. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

U.G. Digital Mag: Talk about your upcoming projects. What can everyone look forward to?

Tanta T: I’m working on a little more reggae. I want to do more of my roots. I want the young people to know the goodness of older reggae. I want to focus on the old style of reggae, as well as doing some R&B, and doing short videos. That’s the next thing I’m working on. A lot of short clips, and teasers.

U.G. Digital Mag: You’re definitely moving in the right direction. You speak of some of the older reggae. Who inspired you then?

Tanta T: The older artists were like Bob Marley, Alton Ellis, John Halt, and artists of the early nineties. It was music with a message. Even in hip-hop & R&B of the early nineties, it was more of a message. Marcia Griffith, there’s so many of them. I think those are my top people. A lot of them still do music now. I want to bring that back.

U.G. Digital Mag: Is there a timeline that you want to work with?

Tanta T: For me, the year flew by. I may get one out this year, at least one video. maybe another song. I linked up with a good video crew, so I’m starting that part. It’s just a matter of coordinating and finding the right locations. Hopefully by the year’s end. Then next year will be full of new things.

U.G. Digital Mag: What do you want people to see artistically?

Tanta T: I want people to see the real passion I have. I want people to hear my message. I like to talk about things that are real. I don’t talk about an abundance of money or men. I talk about real life and things people can relate to. Someone who helped me through my high school years was Lauryn Hill. You hear her words, and even if you don’t have all the same experiences, you’ll hear some things and say you remember when that happened to you. That’s what I want, is for people to be entertained, and be able to relate to me.

U.G. Digital Mag: You’ll get that. People are definitely able to relate. Lauryn is one of those artists who people definitely relate to. People are in love with her artistry. She was here in Cleveland and her tickets sold out instantly. What words of encouragement do you offer?

Tanta T: The advice I offer is that whatever you want to do and whatever makes you happy, just do it. Don’t talk to people who have not been where you have been, because they always try to discourage you. You can see where you want to go and how you want to get there, but for those who haven’t done it, they try to discourage you. You just have to focus on your goal. If no one supports you, be your biggest fan, and you will have no regrets. My plan B is another way to make my Plan A work.